My ever on-going resolution was fulfilled twice over in 2013. In the first case I blogged about it here. That is where I changed my mind that there is potentially an economic case to be made for state action to encourage or even mandate recycling.
The second case came from this EconTalk involving among other things The Code in sports. I was rather naively opposed to something that seemed so brutish and reasonless as The Code. To me it was a ridiculous way to justify violence in hockey and promote silly traditions in baseball. I was wrong.
You might notice that Dr. Mike Munger is at the center of both resolution fulfillments. I guess great minds are open-minded and listen to other great minds and when those other great minds make a convincing case the former great minds adapt their views . . . or something like that. In any case it shouldn't be too many resolutions from now that I've finally got my mind right.
Dr. Munger will be the keynote speaker this week at the CFA Society of Oklahoma's Annual Forecasting Dinner. If you're in the Tulsa area Wednesday night (Jan. 22nd), come join us at the DoubleTree downtown.
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