Catching up on some links to post--unfortunately it has been so long I have forgotten who to hat tip for some of these that deserve it. Don't miss any especially the last one.
Interesting story about the man who smuggles Trader Joe's into Canada.
The most "controversial" problems in math.
Noah Smith offers a very good article on how as clever as we now are, it is not a fine line between us and the market.
If you only want to read one article on the 2014 Economics Nobel Laureate, Jean Tirole, I would suggest you read Tyler Cowen's.
Terrorism is not something to worry much about. Efforts to minimize terrorism are (i.e., we are wasting resources on preventing terrorism). Bryan Caplan has a brief post making both points.
A potential candidate for one side of a WWCF?
Bill Gates on inequality and Thomas Piketty. As an aside, I like Gates' comment made in passing, "Piketty was nice enough to talk with me about his work on a Skype call last month." Things to do today . . . wonder if I can find time to talk to Bill Gates . . . hmm, let's see.
Ritholtz on the economic size of U.S. cities . . . there is a lot of potential economic energy in this world.
Ben Southwood explains how and why central banks cause low interest rates but not by lowering interest rates. (HT: Scott Sumner)
In case you were thinking of wasting your time this coming Tuesday, Hit & Run offers 4 reasons each that Republicans and Democrats are full of s#*t.
Megan McArdle writes about food label laws. We can have too much of anything including information, which is not the same thing as knowledge. Too much information is noise.
Also from McArdle, employers need employees to take vacations. For the employee it might be just a quest for fun, but for an employer it can be everything from a prevention of fraud to a stress-test for capabilities.
I've been making this point for a long time--Andy Schwarz does it better.
Arnold Kling asks some good questions about education.
This one is way too good to be at the bottom of a list--what you don't understand about inequality but should by Phil Birnbaum.
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